Last day at current pricing

The price for a "Calvin's Thoughts" subscription is about to increase

I compared my Substack pricing to other finance blogs on Substack and found that the price of my blog was ~1/4th the price of other finance publications.

For this reason, I’m increasing the price from $15/mo to $30/mo as of tomorrow, and annual from $100/yr to $250/yr. Along with the price increase, I’ll make some clear commitments on content:

  • At least one post per week (A recent trade)
  • At least one deep dive post per month (Like the previous deep dives you’ve seen on Petrobras, Ecopetrol, Braskem, etc.)

In the near future, I’ll be doing a deep dive on BW Energy and why I think it has the potential to pay monster dividends in 2025/2026 (and is cheap now). I’ll also next month write a post on why after several years of being out of the space (and liquidated my entire PMs portfolio in 2021 for huge gains), I’m reentering on both metals and miners, and see upside especially in silver. It’s also likely I’ll do a podcast with a close friend who is deep in the sector (Substack also has an option for podcasts).

To those of you who are already paid subscribers - don’t worry, your price won’t increase. Whatever price you sign up at is the price you keep for life.