Sibanye's Stillwater, Montana Mine - Huge Upside from Trump Tariffs

Home Run US Tax Strategies
Despite the Trump tax changes in 2017, there remain a number of ways for US taxpayers to save money by utilizing foreign domiciles and structures. There are also a few US based strategies that work very well. I want to break down the core of a few of these strategies,

Petrobras - Cheap Again

Sasol had a great week - breaking down the story
When I first said you should keep an eye on Sasol nearly a year ago, the stock was trading just under $8/share and had been selling off from a peak of just under $27/share since the summer of 2022. Sound familiar? Many chemicals and energy companies have followed

Revisiting Noram Drilling

Review of 2024 Marhelm picks, Sneak peek of Marhelm 2025 picks

End of year note, looking forward to 2025

Paper markets - I'm out

Calvin and Marc Faber discuss Platinum, book collecting, the monetary system, and commodities

Viva o Brasil