What would you like me to write about?

Brainstorming for topics over the next few months

As promised, blog subscribers will continue to receive posts on a weekly basis - even though I have, for the time being, suspended all payments while I figure out how to transition away from the legacy financial system.

While some may see this as me losing it, spiraling out, etc. - it’s really not. I have had problem with arbitrary authority my entire life. Remember, I’m a high school dropout who became an expat at 25 and who has never had a formal job. I’m a weird guy and I own it.

I’ve prepared a list of topic ideas on future blog posts. I would appreciate your feedback on what you want to read about, and am open to your own ideas as well. Even if I will no longer be participating in the traditional financial system, there will be no changes whatsoever to the services that I provide.

Additionally, for a limited time during this transition period, free subscribers will receive new posts that I write.

Here is a list of ideas, I’d be curious to hear yours:

  • Continued LatAm oil company coverage
  • Shipping market analysis and coverage
  • Non traditional finance
  • World macro / economic analysis
  • Using crypto currencies outside traditional finance
  • “On the ground” research reports from specific companies (i.e. how a country works)
  • Coverage of industry events (I will be attending Posidonia in June, the shipping industry’s flagship event)
  • Screen results for new stock ideas
  • Analysis of business models

Also, if you have a particular company or industry you’d like me to analyze, perhaps you just want my opinion on your portfolio construction, feel free to message and I will do my best to get back to you!

I am at your service.

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