
Crypto is an asset class you can't afford to ignore
Platinum Group Miners - An Exceptional Setup

Braskem - ADNOC deal falls through, but there's more to this story
Well, it's been a volatile morning for BAK holders. At 7:40 AM EST the company put out the following press release informing the market that ADNOC had informed Novonor it was no longer interested in continuing talks on acquiring their stake. “Dear Sirs, We refer to the

Brazilian Steel Tariffs - Two Companies in Focus
A look at CSN (SID) - A Brazilian industrials conglomerate with heavy steel exposure, and Gerdau, the largest producer of long steel in the Americas
What would you like me to write about?
Brainstorming for topics over the next few months
Plastics - the future of oil
Insight into why all the Middle Eastern oil majors are on the hunt for petrochemical companies
Doing business in Singapore
A breakdown of advantages, disadvantages, and available services
Vale - worth the squeeze?
A look at one of the world's largest iron producers
The Train to Los Angeles
Don't get off in Chicago!
Want to get the paid posts? Consider a barter offer
All manner of oddities considered
How to buy physical
Exploring a little discussed subject in investing
Q1 Report - Charts & Allocations
Reflections on the first 90 days of 2024
Q1 Update
Video format update of my Q1 positioning and outlook
Some hot Marhelm content - coal, dirty tankers, dry bulk, shale production, offshore, and more
Sharing our recent interview with Trader Ferg
A few interesting developments
A roundup of a few recent news items